Thursday, June 30, 2011

Easy Breezy Shrimp


A recent guest and friend gave me the perfect gift...a recipe so easy and quick PLUS one that meets the great taste requirements of all spoiled Indian taste buds!

I have made it so many times since Sridevi's visit but just put off sharing it as I kept forgetting to get a photograph before they all vanished.

So here's the recipe for your eating pleasure. Remember I'm making this dish for one so the portions are small.
As for the vegetarians, this works great with sliced zucchini and sliced eggplant too!

5 large frozen shrimp.

1-2 tablespoon medium sooji/rawa.
Chilli powder and salt to taste.
A pinch of hing/asafoetedia.

Mix sooji, chilli powder, salt and hing on a plate.
Rinse shrimp in warm water and place on plate.

The coating will stick to the wet shrimp...if they don't pat gently, turn and do the same to the other side.
In a small non-stick skillet heat two teaspoons olive oil.
Place shrimp in oil.
After 3-4 mins turn and cook other side for 3-4 mins.
I turn the stove down to medium after putting the shrimp in as I want them to cook slowly.
Leave for longer if you want the coating to get darker but I love the golden brown color with parts of the shrimp peeping out.
From freezer to mouth this dish takes 10 minutes, tops.
Leftover coating mix can be placed in a sandwich bag, labelled and stored in the freezer for next time.
The coating is crunchy and delicious; surprisingly so. Next I'm going to try it with a fillet of tialpia and report back when I remember to do it.


lan said...

geets this is a good one for an appetizer! shrimp cannot go wrong. pic looks yummy! have a good summer even with all the heat:-)

lan said...

geets it's been so long. hope everything is all right. i remember your leftover turkey suggestions and will be doing those this time.