Thursday, November 26, 2009



Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday, isn't it.
Besides the feasting, the gathering of family and friends, the shopping frenzy, think of the meaning of this holiday.
A day to give thanks for all we have.
If you want to be really thankful think of those less fortunate than us.

The things that have made me truly thankful in my life are:

1. Faith in God.
2. Friends and positive family relationships.
3. The acceptance and avoidance of people and things I cannot change.
4. Contentment
5. Freedom from envy.
6. Freedom to make choices and live in a democracy.
7. The ability to find joy in Nature.
8. The ability to stick to and follow basic, good principles of life.

Make your own list today and think about it.

1 comment:

lan said...

I am a little ashamed when a read this. We actually made a turkey and the sides this year and in all that hurry i simply forgot the one thing that it was all about!! Thanks Geeta for this reminder.